Dependencies: + jdk8 Follow below steps to install jdk:- a) Download Jdk-8 from oracle website for linux 64 bit tar b) cp downloaded package to '/usr/local' c) tar -xvf jdk--linux-x64.tar.gz d) vim /etc/profile e) export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk" f) export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin g) source /etc/profile h) java -version + CRF++ 0.51+ Follow below steps to install CRF++:- $ cd CRF++-0.51 $./configure $make $make install check if it is installed properly or not :- crf_test --version Note:- if '' not found after CRF installation than use below command ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/ + gcc + gdbm + libgdbm-dev + glib-2.0 + libglib2.0-dev For ubuntu use following command: sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libglib2.0-dev g++ # apache ant installation - wget - sudo cp apache-ant-1.10.6-manual.tar.gz /usr/local/ - cd /usr/local/ - sudo su - tar -xvf apache-ant-1.10.6-manual.tar.gz - # exit from root by typing exit - vim .bashrc - Add following lines at the bottom of file: export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/