/** * FILE Name :cp_to_struct.c */ /** cp_to_struct * This function copies data ie Priority , pdgm,cat,word to the structure * The arguments: * ch_ar of char type, struct_ar object of the structure lex_info and * integer pointer * Return : void */ /* HEADER FILES */ #include #include #include "struct.h" #include "morph_logger.h" extern char *program_name; extern FILE *log_file; #define FUNCTION "cp_to_struct()" void cp_to_struct(ch_ar,struct_ar,loop1) char ch_ar[SmallArray][LargeArray]; /* suffix to be added */ struct lex_info struct_ar[SmallArray]; /* gives lexical info of suffix */ int *loop1; { struct lex_info *tag; /* lexical info of a word, ie cat,pdgm suff, root */ int loop2; PRINT_LOG(log_file, "Copying data Priority ,PDGM,CAT,WORD to the structure \n"); loop2=0; while(ch_ar[loop2][0] !='\0') /* if ch_ar is not equal to zero */ { tag = ( struct lex_info *) ch_ar[loop2]; strcpy(struct_ar[*loop1].word,tag->word); strcpy(struct_ar[*loop1].pdgm,tag->pdgm); strcpy(struct_ar[*loop1].cat,tag->cat); // struct_ar[*loop1].priority=tag->priority; (*loop1)++; loop2++; } struct_ar[*loop1].word[0] = '\0'; }