Chuvash keyboard layouts ======================== This directory contains different Chuvash keyboard layouts. The Chuvash alphabet contains all the 33 letters from the Russian alphabet and four additional letters: ӑ ӗ ҫ ӳ Chuvash AltGr — Чăвашла AltGr ----------------------------- The default keyboard layout in []( which uses the standard Russian keyboard layouts plus additional four Chuvash letters. They are typed using the AltGr button. Unfortunately only in firefox AltGr combinations work well. Chuvash Mercen — Căvašla Mercen ------------------------------- This keyboard layout is based on [Mercen]( and comes from CVLat movement. "Chuvash Cyrillic" ----------------- This keyboard layout is designed by Ikăruk and uses the number row buttons for adding the additional letters. No AltGr is needed.