( function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; var paTransliteration = { id: 'pa-transliteration', name: 'Punjabi Transliteration', description: 'Punjabi transliteration', date: '2012-10-16', URL: 'http://github.com/wikimedia/jquery.ime', author: 'Amir E. Aharoni, inputs from Saurabh Choudhary and Surinder Wadhawan', license: 'GPLv3', version: '1.0', contextLength: 2, maxKeyLength: 4, /* Semi-automatically created from the Hindi transliteration mapping using * the following Perl substitution: * s{(?[ऀ-ॿ])}{chr(ord($+{deva_letter}) + 0x100)}xmsge; */ patterns: [ ['ਕ੍h', 'c', 'ਚ੍'], ['\\\\([A-Za-z\\>_~\\.0-9])', '\\\\', '$1'], // ਕ-ਹ is the main range of Indic letters. // ੜ is an additional unique Gurmukhi letter. ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍a', '$1'], // Short [a] after a consonant with virama removes the virama ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍A', '$1ਾ'], // Long [a] after a consonant with virama removes the virama and adds long [a] ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)a', '$1ਾ'], // 'aa' gives long [a] - short [a] after a consonant without virama adds long [a] ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍i', '$1ਿ'], ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)(ਿi|੍I|ੇe)', '$1ੀ'], // 'ii', 'I' and 'ee' give long [i]. ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍u', '$1ੁ'], ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)(ੁu|੍U|ੋo)', '$1ੂ'], // 'uu', 'U' and 'oo' give long [u]. ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍e', '$1ੇ'], ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)(i|੍E)', '$1ੈ'], // 'i' after a consonant without virama or 'E' after a consonant with Virama gives "ai" ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)੍[oO]', '$1ੋ'], ['([ਕ-ਹੜ]਼?)u', '$1ੌ'], // 'u' after a consonant without virama gives "au" ['([ਕ-ਹੜ])੍\\`', '$1਼੍'], // '`' (backtick) after a consonant with virama adds a nukta before the virama ['ਅa', 'ਆ'], // aa ['(ਓo|ਉu)', 'ਊ'], //oo, uu ['ਅi', 'ਐ'], // ai ['ਅ\\^', 'ੲ'], // a^ (iri - base for vowels) ['ਉ\\^', 'ੳ'], // u^ (ura - base for vowels) ['(ਏe|ਇi)', 'ਈ'], // ee, ii ['ਅu', 'ਔ'], // au ['ਂ[Mm^]', 'ਁ'], // bindi + 'm', 'M', or '^' -> Adak bindi ['ਣ੍N', 'ੰ'], // Tippi - nasalization ['ਕ੍h', 'ਖ੍'], // kh ['ਗ੍h', 'ਘ੍'], // gh ['ਨ੍g', 'ਙ੍'], // ng ['ਚ੍h', 'ਛ੍'], // ch ['ਜ੍h', 'ਝ੍'], // jh ['ਨ੍j', 'ਞ੍'], // nj ['ਟ੍h', 'ਠ੍'], // Th ['ਡ੍h', 'ਢ੍'], // Dh ['ਤ੍h', 'ਥ੍'], // th ['ਦ੍h', 'ਧ੍'], // dh ['ਪ੍h', 'ਫ੍'], // ph ['ਬ੍h', 'ਭ੍'], // bh ['ਸ੍h', 'ਸ਼੍'], // sh ['ਕ਼੍h', 'ਖ਼੍'], // k + nukta + h ['a', 'ਅ'], ['b', 'ਬ੍'], ['c', 'ਚ੍'], ['d', 'ਦ੍'], ['e', 'ਏ'], ['f', 'ਫ੍'], ['F', 'ਫ਼੍'], // With nukta ['g', 'ਗ੍'], ['h', 'ਹ੍'], ['i', 'ਇ'], ['j', 'ਜ੍'], ['k', 'ਕ੍'], ['l', 'ਲ੍'], ['m', 'ਮ੍'], ['n', 'ਨ੍'], ['o', 'ਓ'], ['p', 'ਪ੍'], ['q', 'ੑ'], // Udaat ['r', 'ਰ੍'], ['s', 'ਸ੍'], ['t', 'ਤ੍'], ['u', 'ਉ'], ['(v|w)', 'ਵ੍'], ['y', 'ਯ੍'], ['z', 'ੱ'], // Addak - gemination ['A', 'ਆ'], ['D', 'ਡ੍'], ['H', 'ਃ'], // Visarga ['I', 'ਈ'], ['M', 'ਂ'], // Bindi ['N', 'ਣ੍'], ['R', 'ੜ੍'], // Rra ['S', 'ਸ਼੍'], ['T', 'ਟ੍'], ['U', 'ਊ'], ['X', 'ੴ'], // Ek onkar ['Y', 'ੵ'], // Yakash ['0', '੦'], ['1', '੧'], ['2', '੨'], ['3', '੩'], ['4', '੪'], ['5', '੫'], ['6', '੬'], ['7', '੭'], ['8', '੮'], ['9', '੯'], ['~', '੍'], // Virama ['\\`', '਼'], // Nukta ['।\\.', '॥'], // Double danda, must be before single danda ['\\.', '।']] // Danda }; $.ime.register( paTransliteration ); }( jQuery ) );