( function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; var defs = { id: 'se-normforms', name: 'Davvisámegiella', description: 'Northern Sami input method', date: '2012-12-04', URL: 'http://giellatekno.uit.no/doc/infra/samihtml.html', author: 'John Erling Blad', license: 'GPLv3', version: '1.0', //contextLength: 1, maxKeyLength: 3, patterns: [ // Uses "~" as "approximatly similar to" [ '\'a', 'á' ], // The simple ~a does not work as there is a "ã" [ '\'A', 'Á' ], // The simple ~A does not work as there is a "Ã" [ '~c', 'č' ], [ '~C', 'Č' ], [ '~d', 'đ' ], [ '~D', 'Đ' ], //[ '~ng', 'ŋ' ], // The simple ~n does not work as there is a "ñ" //[ '~NG', 'Ŋ' ], // The simple ~N does not work as there is a "Ñ" [ '~g', 'ŋ' ], [ '~G', 'Ŋ' ], [ '~s', 'š' ], [ '~S', 'Š' ], [ '~t', 'ŧ' ], [ '~T', 'Ŧ' ], [ '~z', 'ž' ], [ '~Z', 'Ž' ] // historically similar forms ] }; $.ime.register( defs ); }( jQuery ) );