package ILMT::PAN::HIN::Chunker; use strict; use warnings; use Dir::Self; use Data::Dumper; use IPC::Run qw(run); my @dispatch_seq = ( "ssf2tnt", "crf_test", "bio2ssf", ); sub process { my %args = @_; utf8::encode($args{"data"}); foreach my $submodule (@dispatch_seq) { $args{'data'} = __PACKAGE__->can($submodule)->(%args); } utf8::decode($args{"data"}); return $args{"data"}; } sub ssf2tnt { my %par = @_; my $data = $par{'data'}; my $result = ""; open my $fh, '<', \$data or die $!; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); if($line=~/<\/S/) { $result .= "\n"; next; } if($line =~ /^\s*$/) # if the line has all space charcters { $result .= "\n"; next; } $line=~s/[ ]+/___/g; my ($att1,$att2,$att3,$att4) = split (/[\t]+/, $line); if($att1 =~ /\<.*/ || $att2 eq "((" || $att2 eq "))") #unwanted lines { next; } else { $result .= "$att2\t$att3\t$att4\n"; } } return $result; } sub bio2ssf { my %par = @_; my $data = $par{'data'}; my $result = ""; open my $fh, '<', \$data or die $!; my $line = ""; my $startFlag = 1; my $wno = 1; my $prevCTag = ""; my $error = ""; my $lno = 0; my $sno = 1; my $cno=0; while($line = <$fh>) { $lno ++; if($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # start of a sentence $result .= "\t))\t\t\n"; $result .= "\n\n"; $startFlag = 1; $wno = 1; $prevCTag = ""; $sno ++; next; } if($startFlag == 1) { $result .= "\n"; } chomp($line); my @cols = split(/\s+/,$line); if($cols[3] =~ /^B-(\w+)/) { my $ctag = $1; if($prevCTag ne "O" && $startFlag == 0) { $result .= "\t))\t\t\n"; $wno++; } $cno++; $result .= "$cno\t((\t$ctag\t\n"; $wno=1; $prevCTag = $ctag; } elsif($cols[3] =~ /^O/) { if($prevCTag ne "O" && $startFlag == 0) { $result .= "\t))\t\t\n"; $wno++; } $prevCTag = "O"; } if($cols[3] =~ /I-(\w+)/ ) { # check for inconsistencies .. does not form a chunk if there r inconsistencies my $ctag = $1; if($ctag ne $prevCTag) { $error =$error . "Inconsistency of Chunk tag in I-$ctag at Line no:$lno : There is no B-$ctag to the prev. word\n"; } } $cols[2]=~s/___/ /g; $result .= "$cno.$wno\t$cols[0]\t$cols[1]\t$cols[2]\n"; $wno ++; $startFlag = 0; } return $result; } sub crf_test { my %par = @_; my $data = $par{'data'}; my $result = ""; run ["/usr/local/bin/crf_test", "-m", __DIR__ . "/Chunker/models/chunker_pan.model"], \$data, \$result; return $result; }