#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import re from collections import deque from enum import Enum import numpy as np """ Utility modules for computation of Word Error Rate, Alignments, as well as more granular metrics like deletion, insersion and substitutions. """ class Code(Enum): match = 1 substitution = 2 insertion = 3 deletion = 4 class Token(object): def __init__(self, lbl="", st=np.nan, en=np.nan): if np.isnan(st): self.label, self.start, self.end = "", 0.0, 0.0 else: self.label, self.start, self.end = lbl, st, en class AlignmentResult(object): def __init__(self, refs, hyps, codes, score): self.refs = refs # std::deque self.hyps = hyps # std::deque self.codes = codes # std::deque self.score = score # float def coordinate_to_offset(row, col, ncols): return int(row * ncols + col) def offset_to_row(offset, ncols): return int(offset / ncols) def offset_to_col(offset, ncols): return int(offset % ncols) def trimWhitespace(str): return re.sub(" +", " ", re.sub(" *$", "", re.sub("^ *", "", str))) def str2toks(str): pieces = trimWhitespace(str).split(" ") toks = [] for p in pieces: toks.append(Token(p, 0.0, 0.0)) return toks class EditDistance(object): def __init__(self, time_mediated): self.time_mediated_ = time_mediated self.scores_ = np.nan # Eigen::Matrix self.backtraces_ = ( np.nan ) # Eigen::Matrix backtraces_; self.confusion_pairs_ = {} def cost(self, ref, hyp, code): if self.time_mediated_: if code == Code.match: return abs(ref.start - hyp.start) + abs(ref.end - hyp.end) elif code == Code.insertion: return hyp.end - hyp.start elif code == Code.deletion: return ref.end - ref.start else: # substitution return abs(ref.start - hyp.start) + abs(ref.end - hyp.end) + 0.1 else: if code == Code.match: return 0 elif code == Code.insertion or code == Code.deletion: return 3 else: # substitution return 4 def get_result(self, refs, hyps): res = AlignmentResult(refs=deque(), hyps=deque(), codes=deque(), score=np.nan) num_rows, num_cols = self.scores_.shape res.score = self.scores_[num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1] curr_offset = coordinate_to_offset(num_rows - 1, num_cols - 1, num_cols) while curr_offset != 0: curr_row = offset_to_row(curr_offset, num_cols) curr_col = offset_to_col(curr_offset, num_cols) prev_offset = self.backtraces_[curr_row, curr_col] prev_row = offset_to_row(prev_offset, num_cols) prev_col = offset_to_col(prev_offset, num_cols) res.refs.appendleft(curr_row - 1) # Note: this was .push_front() in C++ res.hyps.appendleft(curr_col - 1) if curr_row - 1 == prev_row and curr_col == prev_col: res.codes.appendleft(Code.deletion) elif curr_row == prev_row and curr_col - 1 == prev_col: res.codes.appendleft(Code.insertion) else: # assert(curr_row - 1 == prev_row and curr_col - 1 == prev_col) ref_str = refs[res.refs[0]].label hyp_str = hyps[res.hyps[0]].label if ref_str == hyp_str: res.codes.appendleft(Code.match) else: res.codes.appendleft(Code.substitution) confusion_pair = "%s -> %s" % (ref_str, hyp_str) if confusion_pair not in self.confusion_pairs_: self.confusion_pairs_[confusion_pair] = 1 else: self.confusion_pairs_[confusion_pair] += 1 curr_offset = prev_offset return res def align(self, refs, hyps): if len(refs) == 0 and len(hyps) == 0: return np.nan # NOTE: we're not resetting the values in these matrices because every value # will be overridden in the loop below. If this assumption doesn't hold, # be sure to set all entries in self.scores_ and self.backtraces_ to 0. self.scores_ = np.zeros((len(refs) + 1, len(hyps) + 1)) self.backtraces_ = np.zeros((len(refs) + 1, len(hyps) + 1)) num_rows, num_cols = self.scores_.shape for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): if i == 0 and j == 0: self.scores_[i, j] = 0.0 self.backtraces_[i, j] = 0 continue if i == 0: self.scores_[i, j] = self.scores_[i, j - 1] + self.cost( None, hyps[j - 1], Code.insertion ) self.backtraces_[i, j] = coordinate_to_offset(i, j - 1, num_cols) continue if j == 0: self.scores_[i, j] = self.scores_[i - 1, j] + self.cost( refs[i - 1], None, Code.deletion ) self.backtraces_[i, j] = coordinate_to_offset(i - 1, j, num_cols) continue # Below here both i and j are greater than 0 ref = refs[i - 1] hyp = hyps[j - 1] best_score = self.scores_[i - 1, j - 1] + ( self.cost(ref, hyp, Code.match) if (ref.label == hyp.label) else self.cost(ref, hyp, Code.substitution) ) prev_row = i - 1 prev_col = j - 1 ins = self.scores_[i, j - 1] + self.cost(None, hyp, Code.insertion) if ins < best_score: best_score = ins prev_row = i prev_col = j - 1 delt = self.scores_[i - 1, j] + self.cost(ref, None, Code.deletion) if delt < best_score: best_score = delt prev_row = i - 1 prev_col = j self.scores_[i, j] = best_score self.backtraces_[i, j] = coordinate_to_offset( prev_row, prev_col, num_cols ) return self.get_result(refs, hyps) class WERTransformer(object): def __init__(self, hyp_str, ref_str, verbose=True): self.ed_ = EditDistance(False) self.id2oracle_errs_ = {} self.utts_ = 0 self.words_ = 0 self.insertions_ = 0 self.deletions_ = 0 self.substitutions_ = 0 self.process(["dummy_str", hyp_str, ref_str]) if verbose: print("'%s' vs '%s'" % (hyp_str, ref_str)) self.report_result() def process(self, input): # std::vector&& input if len(input) < 3: print( "Input must be of the form ... , got ", len(input), " inputs:", ) return None # Align # std::vector hyps; # std::vector refs; hyps = str2toks(input[-2]) refs = str2toks(input[-1]) alignment = self.ed_.align(refs, hyps) if alignment is None: print("Alignment is null") return np.nan # Tally errors ins = 0 dels = 0 subs = 0 for code in alignment.codes: if code == Code.substitution: subs += 1 elif code == Code.insertion: ins += 1 elif code == Code.deletion: dels += 1 # Output row = input row.append(str(len(refs))) row.append(str(ins)) row.append(str(dels)) row.append(str(subs)) # print(row) # Accumulate kIdIndex = 0 kNBestSep = "/" pieces = input[kIdIndex].split(kNBestSep) if len(pieces) == 0: print( "Error splitting ", input[kIdIndex], " on '", kNBestSep, "', got empty list", ) return np.nan id = pieces[0] if id not in self.id2oracle_errs_: self.utts_ += 1 self.words_ += len(refs) self.insertions_ += ins self.deletions_ += dels self.substitutions_ += subs self.id2oracle_errs_[id] = [ins, dels, subs] else: curr_err = ins + dels + subs prev_err = np.sum(self.id2oracle_errs_[id]) if curr_err < prev_err: self.id2oracle_errs_[id] = [ins, dels, subs] return 0 def report_result(self): # print("---------- Summary ---------------") if self.words_ == 0: print("No words counted") return # 1-best best_wer = ( 100.0 * (self.insertions_ + self.deletions_ + self.substitutions_) / self.words_ ) print( "\tWER = %0.2f%% (%i utts, %i words, %0.2f%% ins, " "%0.2f%% dels, %0.2f%% subs)" % ( best_wer, self.utts_, self.words_, 100.0 * self.insertions_ / self.words_, 100.0 * self.deletions_ / self.words_, 100.0 * self.substitutions_ / self.words_, ) ) def wer(self): if self.words_ == 0: wer = np.nan else: wer = ( 100.0 * (self.insertions_ + self.deletions_ + self.substitutions_) / self.words_ ) return wer def stats(self): if self.words_ == 0: stats = {} else: wer = ( 100.0 * (self.insertions_ + self.deletions_ + self.substitutions_) / self.words_ ) stats = dict( { "wer": wer, "utts": self.utts_, "numwords": self.words_, "ins": self.insertions_, "dels": self.deletions_, "subs": self.substitutions_, "confusion_pairs": self.ed_.confusion_pairs_, } ) return stats def calc_wer(hyp_str, ref_str): t = WERTransformer(hyp_str, ref_str, verbose=0) return t.wer() def calc_wer_stats(hyp_str, ref_str): t = WERTransformer(hyp_str, ref_str, verbose=0) return t.stats() def get_wer_alignment_codes(hyp_str, ref_str): """ INPUT: hypothesis string, reference string OUTPUT: List of alignment codes (intermediate results from WER computation) """ t = WERTransformer(hyp_str, ref_str, verbose=0) return t.ed_.align(str2toks(ref_str), str2toks(hyp_str)).codes def merge_counts(x, y): # Merge two hashes which have 'counts' as their values # This can be used for example to merge confusion pair counts # conf_pairs = merge_counts(conf_pairs, stats['confusion_pairs']) for k, v in y.items(): if k not in x: x[k] = 0 x[k] += v return x