#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) # 2014 Guoguo Chen # Apache 2.0 [ -f ./path.sh ] && . ./path.sh # begin configuration section. cmd=run.pl stage=0 decode_mbr=true word_ins_penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 min_lmwt=7 max_lmwt=17 iter=final #end configuration section. [ -f ./path.sh ] && . ./path.sh . parse_options.sh || exit 1; if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "Usage: local/score.sh [--cmd (run.pl|queue.pl...)] " echo " Options:" echo " --cmd (run.pl|queue.pl...) # specify how to run the sub-processes." echo " --stage (0|1|2) # start scoring script from part-way through." echo " --decode_mbr (true/false) # maximum bayes risk decoding (confusion network)." echo " --min_lmwt # minumum LM-weight for lattice rescoring " echo " --max_lmwt # maximum LM-weight for lattice rescoring " exit 1; fi data=$1 lang_or_graph=$2 dir=$3 symtab=$lang_or_graph/words.txt for f in $symtab $dir/lat.1.gz $data/text; do [ ! -f $f ] && echo "score.sh: no such file $f" && exit 1; done mkdir -p $dir/scoring/log cat $data/text | sed 's:::g' | sed 's:::g' > $dir/scoring/test_filt.txt for wip in $(echo $word_ins_penalty | sed 's/,/ /g'); do $cmd LMWT=$min_lmwt:$max_lmwt $dir/scoring/log/best_path.LMWT.$wip.log \ lattice-scale --inv-acoustic-scale=LMWT "ark:gunzip -c $dir/lat.*.gz|" ark:- \| \ lattice-add-penalty --word-ins-penalty=$wip ark:- ark:- \| \ lattice-best-path --word-symbol-table=$symtab \ ark:- ark,t:$dir/scoring/LMWT.$wip.tra || exit 1; done # Note: the double level of quoting for the sed command for wip in $(echo $word_ins_penalty | sed 's/,/ /g'); do $cmd LMWT=$min_lmwt:$max_lmwt $dir/scoring/log/score.LMWT.$wip.log \ cat $dir/scoring/LMWT.$wip.tra \| \ utils/int2sym.pl -f 2- $symtab \| sed 's:\::g' \| \ compute-wer --text --mode=present \ ark:$dir/scoring/test_filt.txt ark,p:- ">&" $dir/wer_LMWT_$wip || exit 1; done exit 0;