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"""Run Sampark shallow parser."""
# Language codes for passing onto the API, 3 lettered language identifier.
# Kannada - kan, Punjabi - pan, Urdu - urd, Telugu - tel, Hindi - hin
# if requests package is not there, do pip install requests
import requests
import json

url = ""

def main():
    """Pass arguments and call functions here."""
    text = "भारतीय भाषा अनुवाद प्रणाली।\nभारतीय भाषा अनुवाद प्रणाली।"
    # for multiple sentences, just join them by \n
    out =  {"language":"hin", "text": text}
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
    r =, data=json.dumps(out), headers=headers)
    json_output = r.json()
    ssf_sent = json_output['data']

if __name__ == '__main__':