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( function ( $ ) {
	'use strict';

	var ipaSil = {
		id: 'ipa-sil',
		name: 'International Phonetic Alphabet - SIL',
		description: 'International Phonetic Alphabet - SIL',
		date: '2012-11-23',
		URL: 'http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=UniIPAKeyboard',
		author: 'mapping by Martin Hosken and Lorna A. Priest; implementation by Amir E. Aharoni',
		license: 'GPLv3',
		version: '1.0',
		contextLength: 0,
		maxKeyLength: 2,
		patterns: [
			['B=', 'ʙ'],
			['f=', 'ɸ'],
			['b=', 'β'],

			['m>', 'ɱ'],
			['v<', ''],
			['v=', 'ʋ'],

			['t=', 'θ'],
			['d=', 'ð'],

			['r>', 'ɾ'],
			['l=', 'ɬ'],
			['l>', 'ɮ'],
			['r=', 'ɹ'],

			['s=', 'ʃ'],
			['z=', 'ʒ'],

			['t<', 'ʈ'],
			['d<', 'ɖ'],
			['n<', 'ɳ'],
			['r<', 'ɽ'],
			['s<', 'ʂ'],
			['z<', 'ʐ'],
			['R<', 'ɻ'],
			['l<', 'ɭ'],

			['j=', 'ɟ'],
			['n=', 'ɲ'],
			['c=', 'ç'],
			['j<', 'ʝ'],
			['L<', 'ʎ'],

			['g<', 'ɡ'],
			['n>', 'ŋ'],
			['g=', 'ɣ'],
			['w>', 'ɰ'],
			['L=', 'ʟ'],

			['G=', 'ɢ'],
			['N=', 'ɴ'],
			['R=', 'ʀ'],
			['x=', 'χ'],
			['R>', 'ʁ'],

			['h>', 'ħ'],
			['\\?<', 'ʕ'],

			['\\?=', 'ʔ'],
			['h<', 'ɦ'],

			['p=', 'ʘ'],
			['ǃ<', 'ǀ'], // This is not an exclamation mark
			['!',  'ǃ'],
			['ǃ=', 'ǂ'], // This is not an exclamation mark
			['ǃ>', 'ǁ'], // This is not an exclamation mark

			['b>', 'ɓ'],
			['d>', 'ɗ'],
			['j>', 'ʄ'],
			['g>', 'ɠ'],
			['G>', 'ʛ'],

			['w=', 'ʍ'],
			['y<', 'ɥ'],
			['h=', 'ɥ'],
			['H=', 'ʜ'],
			['Q<', 'ʢ'],
			['Q=', 'ʡ'],
			// TODO non-IPA retroflex hooks

			['c<', 'ɕ'],
			['z>', 'ʑ'],
			['L>', 'ɺ'],
			['H<', 'ɧ'],

			['i=', 'ɪ'],
			['e<', 'ɛ'],
			['a<', 'æ'],

			['y=', 'ʏ'],
			['o>', 'ø'],
			['E<', 'œ'],
			['E>', 'ɶ'],

			['I=', 'ɨ'],
			['E=', 'ɘ'],
			['e=', 'ə'],
			['e>', 'ɜ'],
			['a>', 'ɐ'],
			['U=', 'ʉ'],
			['O=', 'ɵ'],
			['O<', 'ɞ'],

			['u=', 'ɯ'],
			['O>', 'ɤ'],
			['u>', 'ʌ'],
			['a=', 'ɑ'],
			['u',  'u'],
			['u<', 'ʊ'],
			['o<', 'ɔ'],
			['o=', 'ɒ'],

			['ˈ}',        'ˌ'], // }}
			['}',         'ˈ'],
			['ː:',        'ˑ'], // ::
			['ˑ:',        'ːː'], // ::: // Not IPA sanctioned
			[':',         'ː'],
			['\\*\\*\\*', '\u0306'], // Combining breve
			['\\.<',      '|'],
			['\\.=',      ''],
			['#=',        ''],

			// Tones
			['([˥-˩])4', '$1˥'],
			['([˥-˩])3', '$1˦'],
			['([˥-˩])2', '$1˧'],
			['([˥-˩])1', '$1˨'],
			['([˥-˩])0', '$1˩'],
			['#4', '˥'],
			['#3', '˦'],
			['#2', '˧'],
			['#1', '˨'],
			['#0', '˩'],
			['(?:\u0300)3', '\u030C'], // @13  - Combining caron
			['(?:\u0301)1', '\u0302'], // @31  - Combining circumflex accent
			['(?:\u0304)3', '\u1dc4'], // @23  - Combining macron-acute
			['(?:\u0300)2', '\u1dc5'], // @12  - Combining grave-macron
			['(?:\u030C)1', '\u1dc8'], // @131 - Combining grave-acute-grave
			['(?:\u0304)1', '\u1dc6'], // @21  - Combining macron-grave // Not IPA sanctioned
			['(?:\u0301)2', '\u1dc7'], // @32  - Combining acute-macron // Not IPA sanctioned
			['(?:\u0302)3', '\u1dc9'], // @313 - Combining acute-grave-acute // Not IPA sanctioned
			['(?:\u030a)4', '\u030b'], // Combining double acute accent
			['(?:\u030a)3', '\u0301'], // Combining acute accent
			['(?:\u030a)2', '\u0304'], // Combining macron
			['(?:\u030a)1', '\u0300'], // Combining grave accent
			['(?:\u030a)0', '\u030f'], // Combining double grave accent

			// Tone numbers (non-IPA)
			['\\^0', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^1', '¹'], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^2', '²'], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^3', '³'], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^4', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^5', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^6', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^7', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^8', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['\\^9', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			// This character is called "Superscript hyphen" in the layout document,
			// and "Superscript minus" in Unicode
			['\\^-', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned

			['ꜛ>', ''], // #>>
			['ꜜ<', ''], // #<<
			['#<', ''],
			['#>', ''],

			// Diacritics and suprasegmentals
			['h\\^', 'ʰ'],
			['w\\^', 'ʷ'],
			['j\\^', 'ʲ'],
			['ɣ\\^', 'ˠ'], // g=
			['ʕ\\^', 'ˤ'], // ?<
			['n\\^', ''],
			['l\\^', 'ˡ'],
			// TODO non-IPA superscripts

			['ʽ\\[',          '˞'],      // [[[
			['\\[\\[',        'ʽ'],      // [[ // Not IPA sanctioned
			['(?:\u031a)\\]', ''],      // ]]]] // Not IPA sanctioned
			['ʼ\\]',          '\u031a'], // ]]]  // Combining left angle above
			['\\]\\]',        'ʼ'],      // ]]

			['(?:\u032f)\\$', '\u0330'], // $$$ // Combining tilde below
			['(?:\u0329)\\$', '\u032f'], // $$  // Combining inverted breve below
			['\\$',           '\u0329'], // $   // Combining vertical line below

			// TODO non-IPA retroflex hooks

			['(?:\u032c)%',   '\u0324'], // %%% // Combining diaeresis below
			['(?:\u0325)%',   '\u032c'], // %%  // Combining caron below
			['%', '\u0325'],             // %   // Combining ring below

			// TODO non-IPA palatal hooks

			['@', '\u030a'], // Combining ring above

			['(?:\u033c)\\{',   '\u0323'], // {{{{{ // Combining dot below
			['(?:\u033b)\\{',   '\u033c'], // {{{{  // Combining seagull below
			['(?:\u033a)\\{',   '\u033b'], // {{{   // Combining square below
			['(?:\u032a)\\{',   '\u033a'], // {{    // Combining inverted bridge below
			['\\{', '\u032a'],             // {     // Combining bridge below

			['(?:\u0303)~',   '\u0334'], // ~~    // Combining tilde overlay
			['~',             '\u0303'], // ~     // Combining tilde

			['(?:\u0306)\\*', '\u0307'], // ****  // Combining dot above
			['(?:\u033d)\\*', '\u0306'], // ***   // Combining breve
			['(?:\u0308)\\*', '\u033d'], // **    // Combining x above
			['\\*',           '\u0308'], // *     // Combining diaeresis

			// TODO Find out what the m with the five asterisks is.

			['#&',            '\u0361'], //          Combining double inverted breve
			['(?:\u030a)&',   '\u035c'], // @&    // Combining double breve below

			['(?:\u0318)\\+', '\u0339'], // ++++  // Combining right half ring below
			['(?:\u0319)_',   '\u031c'], // ____  // Combining left half ring below
			['(?:\u031d)\\+', '\u0318'], // +++   // Combining left tack below
			['(?:\u031e)_',   '\u0319'], // ___   // Combining right tack below
			['(?:\u031f)\\+', '\u031d'], // ++    // Combining up tack below
			['(?:\u0320)_',   '\u031e'], // __    // Combining down tack below
			['\\+',           '\u031f'], // +     // Combining plus sign below
			['_',             '\u0320'], // _     // Combining minus sign below

			['=>', ''], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['s>', 'σ'], // Not IPA sanctioned
			['=<', '\u200d'] // Combining Grapheme Joiner

	$.ime.register( ipaSil );
} ( jQuery ) );