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( function ( $ ) {
	'use strict';

	var jvTransliteration = {
		id: 'jv-transliteration',
		name: 'Javanese',
		description: 'Javanese transliteration',
		date: '2013-08-10',
		URL: 'http://github.com/wikimedia/jquery.ime',
		author: 'Bennylin',
		license: 'GPLv3',
		version: '1.1',
		contextLength: 1,
		maxKeyLength: 2,
		patterns: [
			[ '\\\\([A-Za-z\\>_~\\.0-9])', '\\\\', '$1' ],
			['ꦝ꧀q', '','ꦞ꧀'], // Dha murda
			['ꦚ꧀q', '','ꦘ꧀'], // Nya murda
			['ꦧ꧀q', '','ꦨ꧀'], // Ba murda
			['ꦕ꧀q', '','ꦖ꧀'], // Ca murda(?)
			['ꦒ꧀q', '','ꦓ꧀'], // Ga murda
			['ꦗ꧀q', '','ꦙ꧀'], // Ja Mahaprana
			['ꦏ꧀q', '','ꦑ꧀'], // Ka murda
			['ꦤ꧀q', '','ꦟ꧀'], // Na murda
			['ꦥ꧀q', '','ꦦ꧀'], // Pa murda
			['ꦱ꧀q', '','ꦯ꧀'], // Sa murda
			['ꦠ꧀q', '','ꦡ꧀'], // Ta murda

			// VII. Vocal ended with special pasangan followed by vocal = back to normal
			['ꦃa', '',''], // vocal ended with -h followed by a
			['ꦃe', '','ꦲꦺ'], // vocal ended with -h followed by e
			['ꦃi', '','ꦲꦶ'], // vocal ended with -h followed by i
			['ꦃo', '','ꦲꦺꦴ'], // vocal ended with -h followed by o
			['ꦃu', '','ꦲꦸ'], // vocal ended with -h followed by u

			['ꦂa', '',''], // vocal ended with -r followed by a
			['ꦂe', '','ꦫꦺ'], // vocal ended with -r followed by e
			['ꦂi', '','ꦫꦶ'], // vocal ended with -r followed by i
			['ꦂo', '','ꦫꦺꦴ'], // vocal ended with -r followed by o
			['ꦂu', '','ꦫꦸ'], // vocal ended with -r followed by u
			['ꦂy', '','ꦫꦾ'], // vocal ended with -r followed by y (Special)

			['ꦁa', '',''], // vocal ended with -ng followed by a
			['ꦁe', '','ꦔꦺ'], // vocal ended with -ng followed by e
			['ꦁi', '','ꦔꦶ'], // vocal ended with -ng followed by i
			['ꦁo', '','ꦔꦺꦴ'], // vocal ended with -ng followed by o
			['ꦁu', '','ꦔꦸ'], // vocal ended with -ng followed by u

			// VI. Vocal (lowercase, uppercase, extended) ended with h/r/ng = special pasangan (-h, -r, -ng)
			['꧀​h', '','꧀ꦲ꧀'],
			// vocal a ended with h/r/ng
			['(ꦲ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦫ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦿ|ꦾ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ|꦳)(h|H)', '','$1ꦃ'], // hanacaraka + h = -h
			['(ꦲ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦫ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦿ|ꦾ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ|꦳)(r|R)', '','$1ꦂ'], // hanacaraka + r = -r
			['(ꦲ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦫ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦿ|ꦾ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ|꦳)(ꦤ|ꦟ)꧀(g|G)', '','$1ꦁ'], // hanacaraka + ng = -ng
			// other vocals ended with h/r/ng
			['(ꦴ|ꦻ|ꦍ|ꦺ|ꦼ|ꦶ|ꦷ|ꦸ|ꦹ|ꦄ|ꦌ|ꦆ|ꦎ|ꦈ)(h|H)', '','$1ꦃ'], // other vocal ended with -h
			['(ꦴ|ꦻ|ꦍ|ꦺ|ꦼ|ꦶ|ꦷ|ꦸ|ꦹ|ꦄ|ꦌ|ꦆ|ꦎ|ꦈ)(r|R)', '','$1ꦂ'], // other vocal ended with -r
			['(ꦴ|ꦻ|ꦍ|ꦺ|ꦼ|ꦶ|ꦷ|ꦸ|ꦹ|ꦄ|ꦌ|ꦆ|ꦎ|ꦈ)(ꦤ|ꦟ)꧀(g|G)', '','$1ꦁ'], // other vocal ended with -ng

			// V. Lower case consonant followed by lower case consonant: Basic
			// Note: not all of these combination are valid in Javanese language, for example -hn-,
			// so they are here only for logical reason, practically they should never be used.
			// Obvious removal are noted (such as -yy-). th, dh, ny, ng, c, h, r, w, y are special cases:

			// pasangan 'ha'(ꦲ/ꦃ) is considered final, exception: about 60 words can be found of "ha" followed by consonant y/r/l/w
			// pasangan 'ra'(ꦫ/ꦂ) is considered final, exception: 5 words can be found of "ra" followed by consonant y/w
			// pasangan bigraf nga(ꦔ/ꦁ) is considered final, exception: "nga" can only be found followed by consonant y/r/l/w
			// (some problem may occur - see http://jv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhiskusi_Panganggo:Bennylin/Narayam#Ng)
			// pasangan bigraf nya can only be found followed by consonant r/l/w, and
			// although not found in Latin, it also found in Javanese script representation of nasal sounds ñ (see nyc and nyj)
			// pasangan bigraf dha can only be found followed by consonant y/r/ w
			// pasangan bigraf tha can only be found followed by consonant r
			// the letter 'w' can only be found followed by consonant y/r/l/w (nasal for 'u')
			// the letter 'c' can only be found followed by consonant r/l, and ch
			// the letter 'y' can only be found followed by consonant w (nasal for 'i')

			['꧀a', '',''], // default vowel is a, so, remove the pangkon
			['꧀A', '',''], // A
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀b', '','$1꧀ꦧ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀B', '','$1꧀ꦨ꧀'], // pasangan Ba murda
			['ꦤ꧀​(c|C)', '','ꦚ꧀ꦕ꧀'], // n+zero-width-space+c
			['ꦤ꧀(c|C)', '','ꦚ꧀ꦕ꧀'], // n followed by c became nasalized (nasal sound 'ny' + c)(REF:nyc)
			['(ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀c', '','$1꧀ꦕ꧀'],
			['(ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀C', '','$1꧀ꦖ꧀'], // pasangan Ca murda(?)
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀d', '','$1꧀ꦢ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀D', '','$1꧀ꦣ꧀'],
			['꧀e', '',''], // é|è
			['꧀E', '',''], // É|È
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(f|v|F|V)', '','$1꧀ꦥ꦳꧀'],
			['(ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀g', '','$1꧀ꦒ꧀'], // can't be started with n, reserved for bigraf ng
			['(ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀G', '','$1꧀ꦓ꧀'], // pasangan Ga murda (can't be started with n - see II. 2.)
			['(ꦤ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(h|H)', '','$1꧀ꦲ꧀'], // can't be started with k/d/t/g, reserved for bigraf kh/dh/th/gh
			['꧀i', '',''], // i
			['꧀I', '',''], // I
			['ꦤ꧀​(j|J)', '','ꦤ꧀ꦗ꧀'], // n+zero-width-space+j
			['ꦤ꧀(j|J)', '','ꦚ꧀ꦗ꧀'], // n followed by j became nasalized (nasal sound 'ny' + j)(REF:nyj)
			['(ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(j|J)', '','$1꧀ꦗ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀k', '','$1꧀ꦏ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀K', '','$1꧀ꦑ꧀'], // pasangan Ka murda
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦔ|ꦁ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(l|L)', '','$1꧀ꦭ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(m|M)', '','$1꧀ꦩ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀n', '','$1꧀ꦤ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀N', '','$1꧀ꦟ꧀'], // pasangan Na murda
			['꧀o', '','ꦺꦴ'], // o
			['꧀O', '',''], // O
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀p', '','$1꧀ꦥ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀P', '','$1꧀ꦦ꧀'], // pasangan Pa murda
			// q
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦁ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀​r', '','$1꧀ꦫ꧀'], // consonant+zero-width-space+(r|R) doesn't make special biconsonant -ra
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦁ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀​R', '','$1꧀ꦬ꧀'], // consonant+zero-width-space+(r|R) doesn't make special biconsonant -ra
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦁ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(r|R)', '','$1ꦿ'], // special biconsonant -ra
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀s', '','$1꧀ꦱ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀S', '','$1꧀ꦯ꧀'], // pasangan Sa murda
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀t', '','$1꧀ꦠ꧀'],
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀T', '','$1꧀ꦡ꧀'], // pasangan Ta murda
			['꧀u', '',''], // u
			['꧀U', '',''], // U
			// v = f
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦤ|ꦫ|ꦂ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦔ|ꦁ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(w|W)꧀', '','$1꧀ꦮ'],
			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦫ|ꦂ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀​(y|Y)', '','$1꧀ꦪ꧀'], // consonant+zero-width-space+(y|Y) doesn't make special biconsonant -ya

			['(ꦲ|ꦃ|ꦫ|ꦂ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(y|Y)', '','$1ꦾ'], // special biconsonant -ya,
			// can't be started with n or y, reserved for bigraf ny (REF:-yy-)
			['(ꦤ|ꦏ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦗ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ)꧀(z|Z)', '','$1ꦾꦗ꦳꧀'], // can't be started with d, reserved for bigraf dz

			// IV. 1. Special consonant
			['(ꦾ|ꦿ)a', '','$1'],
			['ꦿx', '',''], // special biconsonant -rê
			['ꦊq', '',''], // special character lê Raswadi
			['ꦭ꧀x', '',''], // special character lê
			['ꦫ꧀x', '',''], // special character rê
			['ꦌx', '','ꦄꦼ'], // Ê
			['꧀x', '',''], // x is another way to write ê
			['꧀X', '','ꦄꦼ'], // X is another way to write Ê

			// IV. 3. Extended vowel
			// long a (aa) - see II.
			['(ꦲ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦫ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ|꦳)i', '','$1ꦻ'], // hanacaraka + i = -ai
			['(ꦲ|ꦤ|ꦕ|ꦫ|ꦏ|ꦢ|ꦠ|ꦱ|ꦮ|ꦭ|ꦥ|ꦝ|ꦗ|ꦪ|ꦚ|ꦩ|ꦒ|ꦧ|ꦛ|ꦔ|ꦘ|ꦨ|ꦖ|ꦓ|ꦑ|ꦟ|ꦦ|ꦯ|ꦡ|꦳)u', '','$1ꦻꦴ'], // hanacaraka + u = -au
			['ꦄi', '',''], // Ai
			['ꦄu', '','ꦎꦴ'], // Au
			['ꦶi', '',''], // long i (ii)
			['ꦆi', '',''], // long i (Ii)
			['ꦸu', '',''], // long u (uu)
			['ꦈu', '','ꦈꦴ'], // long u (Uu)
			['ꦺꦴo', '',''], // Sundanese -o

			// IV. 2. Extended consonant
			['ꦱ꧀​(s|h)', '','ꦰ꧀'], // s_s (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦏ꧀​h', '','ꦏ꧀ꦲ꧀'], // k_h (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦒ꧀​h', '','ꦒ꧀ꦲ꧀'], // g_h (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦢ꧀​z', '','ꦢ꧀ꦗ꦳꧀'], // d_z (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦗ꧀​h', '',''], // j_h (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦱ꧀(s|h)', '','ꦰ꧀'], // ss/sh
			['ꦏ꧀h', '','ꦏ꦳'], // kh
			['ꦒ꧀h', '','ꦒ꦳'], // gh
			['ꦢ꧀z', '','ꦢ꦳'], // dz
			['ꦗ꧀h', '',''], // jh/Ja mahaprana

			// III. Non-words
			// q and Q are special characters for choosing less used characters by pressing q/Q multiple times (rotating back)
			[' ', '',''], // zero-width-space, since javanese have no space
			['꧅q', '',''], // rêrênggan kiwa
			['꧄q', '',''], // pada luhur
			['꧃q', '',''], // pada madya
			['꧂q', '', ''],// pada andhap
			['꧁q', '',''], // rêrênggan têngên
			['Q', '',''], // rêrênggan kiwa
			['꧟[Q|q]', '',''], // pangkon
			['꧞[Q|q]', '',''], // pada isen-isen
			['꧆[Q|q]', '',''], // pada tirta tumetes
			['ꦀ[Q|q]', '', ''],// pada windu
			['꦳[Q|q]', '',''], // panyangga
			['꧀[Q|q]', '',''], // cecak telu
			['q', '',''], // pangkon - to cut off the default -a vowel

			['ꦫq', '','ꦿ'], // another way to write -ra
			['ꦪq', '',''], // another way to write -ya

			// II. 1. Alphabetical ha-na-ca-ra-ka
			['ꦠ꧀​h', '','ꦠ꧀ꦲ꧀'], // t_h (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦢ꧀​h', '','ꦢ꧀ꦲ꧀'], // d_h (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦤ꧀​y', '','ꦚ꧀ꦪ꧀'], // n_y (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦤ꧀​g', '','ꦔ꧀ꦒ꧀'], // n_g (with zero-width-space)
			['ꦠ꧀h', '','ꦛ꧀'], // th
			['ꦢ꧀h', '','ꦝ꧀'], // dh
			['ꦤ꧀y', '','ꦚ꧀'], // ny
			['ꦤ꧀g', '',''], // ng
			['a', '',''],
			['b', '','ꦧ꧀'],
			['c', '','ꦕ꧀'],
			['d', '','ꦢ꧀'],
			['e', '','ꦲꦺ'], // é|è
			['(f|v)', '','ꦥ꦳꧀'],
			['g', '','ꦒ꧀'],
			['h', '','ꦲ꧀'],
			['i', '','ꦲꦶ'],
			['j', '','ꦗ꧀'],
			['k', '','ꦏ꧀'],
			['l', '','ꦭ꧀'],
			['m', '','ꦩ꧀'],
			['n', '','ꦤ꧀'],
			['o', '','ꦲꦺꦴ'],
			['p', '','ꦥ꧀'],
			// q = special letters, see III.
			['r', '','ꦫ꧀'],
			['s', '','ꦱ꧀'],
			['t', '','ꦠ꧀'],
			['u', '','ꦲꦸ'],
			// v = f
			['w', '','ꦮ꧀'],
			['x', '','ꦲꦼ'], // ê
			['y', '','ꦪ꧀'],
			['z', '','ꦗ꦳꧀'],

			// II. Basic Letters:
			// II. 2. Capital Ha-Na-Ca-Ra-Ka (Aksara Murda)
			['(ꦠ|ꦡ)꧀(h|H)', '','ꦛ꧀'],
			['ꦣ꧀h', '','ꦞ꧀'], // Dha murda
			['(ꦢ|ꦣ)꧀H', '','ꦞ꧀'], // Dha murda
			['ꦟ꧀y', '','ꦘ꧀'], // Nya murda
			['(ꦤ|ꦟ)꧀Y', '','ꦘ꧀'], // NYA murda
			['(ꦤ|ꦟ)꧀(g|G)', '','ꦔ꧀'],// nga
			['A', '',''], // A
			['B', '','ꦨ꧀'], // Ba murda
			['C', '','ꦖ꧀'], // Ca murda(?)
			['D', '','ꦣ꧀'],
			['E', '',''], // É|È
			['(F|V)', '','ꦥ꦳꧀'],
			['G', '','ꦓ꧀'], // Ga murda
			['H', '','ꦲ꧀'],
			['I', '',''], // I
			['J', '','ꦙ꧀'],// Ja Mahaprana
			['K', '','ꦑ꧀'], // Ka murda
			['L', '','ꦭ꧀'],
			['M', '','ꦩ꧀'],
			['N', '','ꦟ꧀'], // Na murda
			['O', '',''], // O
			['P', '','ꦦ꧀'], // Pa murda
			// Q = special letters, see III.
			['R', '','ꦬ꧀'],
			['S', '','ꦯ꧀'], // Sa murda
			['T', '','ꦡ꧀'], // Ta murda
			['U', '',''], // U
			// V = F
			['W', '','ꦮ꧀'],
			['X', '','ꦄꦼ'], // X is another way to write Ê
			['Y', '','ꦪ꧀'],
			['Z', '','ꦗ꦳꧀'],

			// I. Number
			['0', '',''],
			['1', '',''],
			['2', '',''],
			['3', '',''],
			['4', '',''],
			['5', '',''],
			['6', '',''],
			['7', '',''],
			['8', '',''],
			['9', '',''],
			[':', '',''], // 'enclose Javanese numbers, e.g. ":1:"'
			[',', '',''], // 'comma'
			['\\.', '',''], // 'period'
			['\\|', '',''], // 'opening paragraph character'
			['\\|', '',''], // 'poem character'
			['\\(', '',''], // 'Javanese opening bracket'
			['\\)', '',''] // 'Javanese closing bracket'

	$.ime.register( jvTransliteration );
}( jQuery ) );