sample.txt 695 Bytes
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#Comments in SSF
#This is just a sample file. This may not be correct according to linguistics
1	((	NP	<fs af='udklasjd,unkn,m,p,3,0,,' head=1>
1.1	"	NNS	<fs af=',PUNC,m,p,3,0,,'>
2	((	VG	<fs af='watch,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=PROG head=2>
2.1	are	VBP	<fs af='be,v,m,s,3,0,,' head=2>
2.2	watching	VBG	<fs af='watch,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=PROG>
3	((	PP	<fs af='watch,,,,3,0,gvs,reddy' aspect=PRoG head=2>|<fs af='watch,,,,3,0,dfmd,reddy' aspect=PROG head=2>
3.1	in	IN	<fs af='in,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=PROG head=3>
3.2	((	NP	<fs af='the,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=PROG head=4>
3.2.1	the	DT	<fs af='house,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=PROG head=3>
3.2.2	house	NN	<fs af='the,v,m,s,3,0,,' aspect=hgfd>