defn.h 701 Bytes
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# define LEXWORDSIZE 35
# define SUFFWORDSIZE 60	/* increased from 40 to 60 for tamil -- amba */
# define AVYWORDSIZE 30
# define INFOSIZE 100
#define Morphsize 90
#define WORD_SIZE 60
#define LINE_SIZE 1024		/* increased to account for long lines in Fe file */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MAX_NO_OF_CAT 20
#define MAX_NO_OF_FICTITIOUS_CAT 250	/* increased  from 100 to 250 to account for tamil cases --- amba */

/* newly added data on 25/07/07*/

#define LargeArray 4000
#define Lexsize 2000
#define BiggerArray 1000
#define BigArray 500
#define SmallArray 100
#define Pdgmsize  60
#define Arraysize  20
#define Uwordlen  10000