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Tokenizer for Indian Scripts and Roman Script



Download **indic-tokenizer**  from `github`_.

.. _`github`:



    pip install git+git://


1. Working with files:

a. Indic Tokenizer:

.. parsed-literal::

    ind-tokz --i inputfile --o outputfile --l hin

    --i input     <input-file>
    --o output    <output-file>
    --s           set this flag to apply sentence segmentation 
    --l language  select language (3 letter ISO-639 code)
		    Hindi       : hin
		    Urdu        : urd
		    Telugu      : tel
		    Tamil       : tam
		    Malayalam   : mal
		    Kannada     : kan
		    Bengali     : ben
		    Oriya       : ori
		    Punjabi     : pan
		    Marathi     : mar
		    Nepali      : nep
		    Gujarati    : guj
		    Bodo        : bod
		    Konkani     : kok
		    Assamese    : asm
		    Kashmiri    : kas

b. Roman Tokenizer:

.. parsed-literal::

    rom-tokz --i inputfile --o outputfile     

    --i input   <input-file>
    --o output  <output-file>
    --s         set this flag to apply sentence segmentation

.. code:: bash

    echo "The real question should be: does it matter at all? The Vegas horse-race aspect of the Oscars is, of course, irresistible, but apart from that, what meaning, if any, does the contest really have? Does it tell us anything about the movies nominated, or about film culture in general?" | rom-tokz --s
    The real question should be : does it matter at all ?
    The Vegas horse-race aspect of the Oscars is , of course , irresistible , but apart from that , what meaning , if any , does the contest really have ?
    Does it tell us anything about the movies nominated , or about film culture in general ?

2. Using python:

.. code:: python

    >>> from irtokz import tokenize_rom
    >>> tok = tokenize_rom(split_sen=True)
    >>> text = """The first act of the film introduces the protagonists, a woman named Su-jin and a man named Chul-soo. The movie highlights their accidental meeting, followed by their subsequent courting despite their difference in social status that should have kept them apart. Kim Su-jin is a 27-year-old fashion designer, spurned by her lover, a colleague who was also a married man. Depressed, she goes to a convenience store, where she bumps into a tall, handsome man with whom she has a slight misunderstanding. Following that, she returns home and, receiving her father's forgiveness, decides to start life afresh.
    ... One day while accompanying her father, who is the CEO of a construction firm, she coincidentally meets the man whom she earlier bumped into at the convenience store. He is Choi Chul-soo, the construction site's foreman who is studying to become an architect. Though he initially appears like a rough and dirty construction worker, Chul-soo exudes sheer masculinity in its most basic physical form. Su-jin instantly takes a liking to Chul-soo and actively courts him. There are many sweet events that take place in the occurrence of their courtship, eventually leading to their marriage.
    ... The second act follows the couple happily settling into married life, with Chul-soo designing their dream house and Su-jin learning to become a housewife. As time passes, however, Su-jin begins to display forgetfulness, including an incident in which a fire breaks out because of a stove she'd forgotten to turn off. While Chul-soo caught the fire in time, the seriousness of the incident and others like it leads them to seek medical help.
    ... The third act deals with Su-jin's early-onset Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, and the couple's consequent response to it. Su-jin at first experiences denial, then becomes heavily burdened by the knowledge that she will forget her husband. Nevertheless, they make the commitment to stay together and as the disease progresses, the trials the couple go through increase because of Su-jin's deteriorating memory. Finally, Su-jin makes the decision to leave their home and check herself into an assisted facility.
    ... Despite his grief, Chul-soo remains at Su-jin's side even when she doesn't remember him, hiding his eyes behind sunglasses when he visits her so she can't see his tears. At the end of the film, Chul-soo reenacts the first time they met in the convenience store, with all of Su-jin's friends and family there. In the final scene, Su-jin is riding in a car beside her husband at sunset, and he tells her, "I love you." """
    >>> print(tok.tokenize(text))
    The first act of the film introduces the protagonists , a woman named Su-jin and a man named Chul-soo .
    The movie highlights their accidental meeting , followed by their subsequent courting despite their difference in social status that should have kept them apart .
    Kim Su-jin is a 27-year-old fashion designer , spurned by her lover , a colleague who was also a married man .
    Depressed , she goes to a convenience store , where she bumps into a tall , handsome man with whom she has a slight misunderstanding .
    Following that , she returns home and , receiving her father 's forgiveness , decides to start life afresh .
    One day while accompanying her father , who is the CEO of a construction firm , she coincidentally meets the man whom she earlier bumped into at the convenience store .
    He is Choi Chul-soo , the construction site 's foreman who is studying to become an architect .
    Though he initially appears like a rough and dirty construction worker , Chul-soo exudes sheer masculinity in its most basic physical form .
    Su-jin instantly takes a liking to Chul-soo and actively courts him .
    There are many sweet events that take place in the occurrence of their courtship , eventually leading to their marriage .
    The second act follows the couple happily settling into married life , with Chul-soo designing their dream house and Su-jin learning to become a housewife .
    As time passes , however , Su-jin begins to display forgetfulness , including an incident in which a fire breaks out because of a stove she 'd forgotten to turn off .
    While Chul-soo caught the fire in time , the seriousness of the incident and others like it leads them to seek medical help .
    The third act deals with Su-jin 's early-onset Alzheimer 's disease diagnosis , and the couple 's consequent response to it .
    Su-jin at first experiences denial , then becomes heavily burdened by the knowledge that she will forget her husband .
    Nevertheless , they make the commitment to stay together and as the disease progresses , the trials the couple go through increase because of Su-jin 's deteriorating memory .
    Finally , Su-jin makes the decision to leave their home and check herself into an assisted facility .
    Despite his grief , Chul-soo remains at Su-jin 's side even when she doesn 't remember him , hiding his eyes behind sunglasses when he visits her so she can 't see his tears .
    At the end of the film , Chul-soo reenacts the first time they met in the convenience store , with all of Su-jin 's friends and family there .
    In the final scene , Su-jin is riding in a car beside her husband at sunset , and he tells her , " I love you . "
    >>> from irtokz import tokenize_ind
    >>> tok = tokenize_ind(lang='hin', split_sen=True)
    >>> text = """22 साल के लंबे इंतजार के बाद आखिरकार हॉलीवुड स्टार लियोनार्डो डिकैप्रियो को अपनी पहली ऑस्कर ट्रॉफी मिल चुकी है। उन्हें ये अवॉर्ड अपनी फिल्म ‘द रेवेनेंट’ में ह्यूज ग्लास के किरदार के लिए मिला, लेकिन उनके के लिए रोल निभाना आसान नहीं था। फिल्म एक सीन के लिए लियोनार्डो को भैंस का कच्चा लीवर खाना पड़ा था। जबकि असल जिंदगी में वो पूरी तरह शाकाहारी हैं। हालांकि इस सीन के लिए पहले लियोनार्डो को मांस जैसे दिखने वाली चीज दी गई थी, लेकिन उन्हें लगा कि ऐसा करना गलत होगा। फिल्म के लिए इम्पोर्ट की गई चीटियां...
    ... फिल्म की शूटिंग के बाद प्रोड्यूसर्स ने ये राज खोला कि एक पर्टीकुलर सीन के लिए उन्हें ढेर सारी चीटियों की जरूरत थी, जो कैलगरी जैसे ठंडे इलाके में नहीं थी। इसलिए उन्होंने औरिगन और ओंटारियो (अमेरिका) से चीटियां मंगवाई। मगर मौसम में बदलाव की वजह से ये चीटियां रास्ते में ही मर गईं। बाद में उन्हें फिर से दोबारा चीटियां मंगवानी पड़ीं।
    ... """
    >>> print(tok.tokenize(text))
    22 साल के लंबे इंतजार के बाद आखिरकार हॉलीवुड स्टार लियोनार्डो डिकैप्रियो को अपनी पहली ऑस्कर ट्रॉफी मिल चुकी है ।
    उन्हें ये अवॉर्ड अपनी फिल्म ‘ द रेवेनेंट ’ में ह्यूज ग्लास के किरदार के लिए मिला , लेकिन उनके के लिए रोल निभाना आसान नहीं था ।
    फिल्म एक सीन के लिए लियोनार्डो को भैंस का कच्चा लीवर खाना पड़ा था ।
    जबकि असल जिंदगी में वो पूरी तरह शाकाहारी हैं ।
    हालांकि इस सीन के लिए पहले लियोनार्डो को मांस जैसे दिखने वाली चीज दी गई थी , लेकिन उन्हें लगा कि ऐसा करना गलत होगा ।
    फिल्म के लिए इम्पोर्ट की गई चीटियां ... फिल्म की शूटिंग के बाद प्रोड्यूसर्स ने ये राज खोला कि एक पर्टीकुलर सीन के लिए उन्हें ढेर सारी चीटियों की जरूरत थी , जो कैलगरी जैसे ठंडे इलाके में नहीं थी ।
    इसलिए उन्होंने औरिगन और ओंटारियो ( अमेरिका ) से चीटियां मंगवाई ।
    मगर मौसम में बदलाव की वजह से ये चीटियां रास्ते में ही मर गईं ।
    बाद में उन्हें फिर से दोबारा चीटियां मंगवानी पड़ीं ।



    Irshad Ahmad Bhat
    MS-CSE IIITH, Hyderabad