INSTALL 838 Bytes
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Basic Installation

  1. Create a new directory with some name (eg. mkdir new_dir)

  2. Update ~/.bash_profile(.bashrc file for ubuntu users) with a new enviornment variable called 'setu'
     (export setu="PATH OF NEW_DIR")

  3. source ~/.bash_profile

  4. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code.

  5. Type `make' to copy the package source to $setu/src/sl/chunker_crf-1.4

  6. `cd' to the sytem wide directory $setu/src/sl/chunker_crf-1.4

  7. Type `make install' to install the programs, data files and
     documentation in the sampark system wide directory.
     (Refer Chapter-6 in the ilmtguidlines_0.3)

  8. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  

For how to use chunker, please refer to the file README.