INSTALL 1002 Bytes
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Basic Installation

	First of all ensure that you have set $setu environment variable to the sampark path.
	if you are not set the setu environment variable then set it by adding the following
	line in your .bash_profile

	export setu=/home/iiitmk/sampark
	you will have to run 'source .bash_profile' to make these changes effective.
	test that the path is set by 'env | grep setu'
	The way to copy/compile this package is :

  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code.

  2. Type `make' to copy the package source to $setu/src/sl/morph/mal
     and the data to $setu/data_src/sl/morph/mal

  3. `cd' to the sytem wide directory $setu/src/sl/morph/mal

  4. Type `make' to compile and install the programs, data files and
     documentation in the sampark system wide directory.

  5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  

For how to use morph, please refer to the file README.