Commit ec2385e3 authored by Nikhilesh Bhatnagar's avatar Nikhilesh Bhatnagar

Added dir structure

parent ae25953d
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ cd ssmt_triton_repo
cp -r ../triton_models/ssmt_pipeline .
cp -r ../triton_models/ssmt_model_demuxer .
cp -r ../triton_models/ssmt_tokenizer .
mkdir ssmt_tokenizer/1/bpe_src
cp -r ../models/*.src ssmt_tokenizer/1/bpe_src
cp -r ../triton_models/ssmt_template_model_repo ssmt_1_ct2
cp -r ../models/1_ct2 ssmt_1_ct2/1/translator
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