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Jul-2015	Irshad Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.5.0

	- Gujurati language support added.

Jul-2015	Irshad Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.5.0

	- Python implementation

Jan-2012	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.9

	- Oriya language support added.

29-Dec-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.8

	- reading and writting utf8 file issue solved by putting -C option in perl
	  command as argument. (e.g. perl -C <options> <input-file>)
	- fix the issue consonant+nukata+halant in Hindi (e.g. word: wanaKZvaxara)
	- head and name conversion in ssf is avoided as per HCU-CALTS feedback.

14-Mar-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.7

	- In wx2utf the words start with ^ or ^@ just leave as it is.
	- In case of tamil wx2utf 0BB6 (S) mapped to 0BB7 (R)
	- M map is changed m+halant (as per Dr. Ramnan feedback)

7-Mar-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.6

	- iscii2unicode_tel function some mapping commented like ऴ etc.

28-Feb-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.5

	- fix ऩ issue from wx2utf in telugu.
	- case added in tests directory (sampale-cases-tel-wx.txt)
	- tamil normailze issue two-part dependent vowel signs solved.

21-Feb-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.4

	- fix punc issue in ssf input.
	- fix ~ issue in input and output file path.

06-Apr-2010     Rashid Ahmad    <>

	* Version 1.4.3

	- incorporate the output option from the command line option.
	- create for convertor library.
	- create for how to call convertor library.

28-Feb-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.5

	- fix ऩ issue from wx2utf in telugu.
	- case added in tests directory (sampale-cases-tel-wx.txt)
	- tamil normailze issue two-part dependent vowel signs solved.

21-Feb-2011	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.4

	- fix punc issue in ssf input.
	- fix ~ issue in input and output file path.

06-Apr-2010     Rashid Ahmad    <>

	* Version 1.4.3

	- incorporate the output option from the command line option.
	- create for convertor library.
	- create for how to call convertor library.

18-Mar-2010	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.2

	- and files function are moved in lib/
	- incorporate the small code in wx2utf function in lib/
	- to escap the other language string as it is.

18-Mar-2010	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.1

	- tested 1050 uniq words. input file in tests/tam/uniq-words-tam-aukbc-[wx|utf].txt
	- isuue related wx2utf are fixed by incorporating the variou case in wx2iscii sub. in lib/
	- issue reagrding utf2wx are fixed by incorporating 3-lines in iscii2wx sub. in lib/
	- "\x{D0}"=> rY, "\x{C7}"=>nY, "\x{D3}"=>lYY
	- added the support of tamil language.

15-Mar-2010	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.4.0

	- test wx2utf-tel, utf2wx-tel and fix the various cases like lYa,lYi, lY[MHz] etc. 
	- resolve full stop issue from wx2utf direction for hindi.
	- we have compare the changed to old one and undo the changes
	  that Harika Indu did.

08-May-2010	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.3.0

	- text conversion incorporated.
	- input option incorporated in command line argument parsing.
	- tel ssf test data incorporated.

03-03-2010	Rashid Ahmad	<>
	* Version 1.2.0

	- changed as per requirement of ILMT project Sampark.
	- this version is currently working on SSF format only.
	- test on hindi data ONLY.

08-02-10        Rashid Ahmad    <>

	* Version 1.1.0

	- This version is modified of the base version.
	- created the sample pl file for test convertor.
	- Base version is developed in perl by Pawan Kumar, Rashid Ahmad and Avinesh.

10-Aug-09       Pawan Kumar     <>

	* Version 1.0.0

	- Base Version.