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sub copy_head_vg
	my($pos_tag) = $_[0];	#array which contains all the POS tags
	my($sent) = $_[1];	#array in which each line of input is stored
	my $vibh_home = $_[2];	#stores the path 
	require "$vibh_home/API/";
	require "$vibh_home/API/";

	my %hash=();
	if($pos_tag =~ /^NP/)
		$match = "N";
	if($pos_tag =~ /^V/ )
		$match = "V";
	if($pos_tag =~ /^JJP/ )
		$match = "J";
	if($pos_tag =~ /^CCP/ )
		$match = "CC";
	if($pos_tag =~ /^RBP/ )
		$match = "RB";

	@np_nodes = &get_nodes(3,$pos_tag,$sent);
	for($i=$#np_nodes; $i>=0; $i--)
		my(@childs) = &get_children($np_nodes[$i],$sent);
		$j = 0;
		while($j <= $#childs)
			#$f1=node id in decreasing order
			#$f2=tokens(words) in dec order
			#$f3=word tags
			#$f4=feature structure

			my($f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = &get_fields($childs[$j],$sent);
			my ($x,$f4)=split(/</,$f4);
			my ($f4,$x)=split(/>/,$f4);
			if($f3 =~ /^$match/)
				$new_fs = $f4;

				my $fs_ref = &read_FS($f4);	#feature structure is sent to function where all the categories are dealt
                                my @name_val = &get_values("name", $fs_ref);

				if($hash{$f2} eq "")
                                elsif($hash{$f2} ne "")
                                my ($x,$y)=split(/>/,$f4);
				$x =~ s/ name=[^ >]+//;
				#$new_fs = $x." head=\"$name_val[0]\">";
                                $new_fs = $x." head=$name_val[0]>";
                                #my $new_head_fs=$x." name=\"$att_val\">";
			elsif($j == 0)
				my($f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = &get_fields($childs[$#childs],$sent);
			my ($x,$f4)=split(/</,$f4);
			my ($f4,$x)=split(/>/,$f4);

				my $fs_ref = &read_FS($f4);
                                my @name_val = &get_values("name", $fs_ref);

				if($hash{$f2} eq "")
                                elsif($hash{$f2} ne "")

                                my ($x,$y)=split(/>/,$f4);
				$x =~ s/ name=[^ >]+//;

				#$new_fs = $x." head=\"$name_val[0]\">";
                                $new_fs = $x." head=$name_val[0]>";
                                #my $new_head_fs=$x." name=\"$att_val\">";
		($f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = &get_fields($np_nodes[$i],$sent);
		if($f4 eq '')
			$fs_ptr = &read_FS($f4,$sent);
			$new_fs_ptr = &read_FS($new_fs,$sent);
			$fs_string = &make_string($fs_ptr,$sent);
